Parke Ballantine
Board Member
DanceWorks Chicago
What do you love most about having gone through the On BOARD program?
I love being on the DanceWorks Chicago board! Through the On BOARD program I met DWC, an organization focused on diverse inclusion, job skill development, and mentorship in the dance world. With no background in dance, I didn’t initially consider DWC, but through the On BOARD matching program I was given the opportunity to learn more about the role of a board member and the values that aligned between myself and DWC. Meeting dancers and hearing the impact that DWC has on their careers, lives, and personal development is the most rewarding part of being a board member, it goes beyond art for arts sake and reveals the power of the arts and organizations like DWC to have long term lasting meaningful impact on individuals and the industry as a whole.
What does volunteering add to your life?
I enjoy volunteering because it provides my life with people and spaces that I choose to be around and contribute to. I like volunteering as a leader through board membership because I feel my skills and experience can be put to service for a cause I believe in. As an organizational leader I have a seat at the table to help ensure equity and inclusion and to promote strength based values and messaging. It has expanded my networks and introduced me to like-minded people who are committed to supporting meaningful missions and work.
What are some of your other interests?
Outside of volunteering and work in the arts which takes up most of my time, I enjoy travelling throughout the country and internationally, reading poetry and watching films, seeing dynamic street fashion, cooking, making collages and marker illustrations, and spending time with my partner and friends.
What goals have you helped organizations reach/other A&BC-related achievements?
As a board member I have been a part of organizing fundraising events, bringing new audiences and supporters to the organization to increase visibility and income, and helped to draft a new narrative for the brand to improve communications and future sustainability.
Fun stuff: favorite food, pets, season, secret talent?
Favorite season- Autumn, I love the smells, food, and fashion
Frequent mover – I have lived in NJ/TX/FL/CA/IL
I love cooking flavorful spicy foods and getting dressed up
– Parke Ballantine, On BOARD Grad